Fungus on the feet is a seasonal disease and above all it manifests itself in the season of wearing closed shoes. Fungal infections of the feet do not attract as much attention as other types of fungi, such as nail fungus. This is because the foot is not visible unless you look at it specifically. And the first, not strong events, are attributed to everyday speech.
The easiest way to test foot fungus is to smell your shoes! Bad breath is a sign of fungal infection. Although the fungi themselves do not emit an odor, but their waste. . . In addition the waste of microorganisms that have settled in wounds formed by a fungal disease. And mainly these are staphylococci. All this together, is what causes unpleasant odors from shoes and feet.
Hitting the skin in the affected area leads to the spread of the infection!
When the feet are in warm, closed shoes for a long time, they sweat profusely. The fungus, which under normal conditions does not activate, when it is in an ideal environment for itself, begins to grow actively. Hence, the second name of this disease appeared - "The athlete's foot". Fungal disease of the feet and is caused by various types of fungi. And since athletes spend most of their time in tight, closed shoes, they mainly suffer from this fungal infection.
The athlete's foot is quite common. With this, a fungal infection of the sole of the foot or the areas of skin between the feet occurs.
Such fungal infections can be caused by the appearance at the foot of one of the varieties of a parasitic colony of an infectious and highly contagious disease called foot fungus.
Fungal diseases that cause extensive skin lesions are caused by various types of fungi, the nature of which is identified in the study of analyzes.

How the fungus manifests itself
On the skin of the feet, the pathology first manifests itself in small areas that are prone to peeling and then the spot spreads with irregular edges and the fungus becomes more intense.
The activity of foot fungus symptoms can be both fast and slow. Because it all depends on how strong a person's immunity is and the type of microorganism that carried the disease.
The types of foot fungus are quite different and manifest in their own way, but if a person has pathological changes in the feet, then you should find out from the experts what the reason is. Mycologists will explain what a fungus is and teach you how to fight it.
What does foot fungus look like?
Foot fungus is accompanied, in most cases, by the "athlete's foot" - it looks like almost soft skin. As the pathology spreads, the skin color changes to red and the changes become more noticeable. In addition, foot disease resembles large areas with large flakes of dry skin, sometimes the scars are on one side, sometimes on both sides of the foot. The location of the foot fungus is usually located at the bottom of the limbs and the appearance of the limb depends on the degree of development of the pathology.
They are considered differences of species such as:
- a very dense stratum corneum on the sole.
- The flakes begin to peel the honey with the fingers.
- the skin is inflamed.
- foot injury also looks like blisters.
The fungus that forms on the feet looks quite expressive, so a person should observe specific manifestations and consult a doctor.

Causes of foot fungus
What to do if a fungus appears? First, it is worthwhile to find out the reasons for its appearance and to think about exactly where the spores could be collected and why the body did not respond properly.
As for how an athlete's foot begins to form, for reasons that precede the development of pathogenic flora, mycologists say the following: A foot fungus can develop if a person uses socks or shoes of an infected person without wearing slippers. places where masses of people pass, that is, in public baths, saunas and swimming pools, because there is the most favorable ground for the bacterial front.
How to detect fungus on the feet
The growth of fungi, fungal disease causes quite a high rate, and especially rapidly such manifestations develop if there are concomitant chronic diseases. Foot diseases can be diagnosed independently, but in order not to confuse any friction of the skin with signs of fungus on the feet, it is worth carefully examining the condition of the cover, as well as how the skin looks under the toes.
Foot fungus is quite different in its symptoms, as the types of foot fungus are not limited to just one and each of them has its own characteristic manifestation.

What does a foot fungus look like?
And what the fungus can look like on the feet will determine what it is. So to speak, the mycelium will leave the "phone card" on arrival.
Sometimes people with a history of such pathology do not even know it, they just see a very dry cover on their feet, but they mean it must be so.
The general symptoms usually look like this:
- the appearance of micro-retention
- slight itching, especially between the fingers.
- severe exfoliation
- sometimes swelling and pain in places where corrosion occurs.
- rarely, but bleeding occurs.
- deep cracks may appear.
How to cure foot fungus
The treatment of foot fungus is a long process, but if the preparatory stage is carried out correctly, that is, during the diagnosis, it is discovered which pathogens parasitize the body, then the treatment can be faster.
It is necessary to treat the skin fungus in a comprehensive way, using both drugs taken internally and externally.
The athlete's foot can be treated by carefully studying all the affected areas, this should be facilitated with a course of treatment.
On how to treat the fungus, you should consult mycologists. They will be able to talk in detail about drugs that can treat the disease well.
The treatment of foot disease can be divided into several parts. An important primary task is to strengthen the most vulnerable areas and rehabilitate areas affected by the disease. It is important to know that the feet must always be dry and clean:
- and also shoes should be made of breathable materials.
- replaceable cotton socks should become a good absorbent that collects moisture;
- since the feet are in the shoes all day, it is necessary to rinse them well and lubricate them with a special agent prescribed by a doctor.
It is also good to use special powders that help keep your feet dry.
The next part of the treatment includes the use of antifungal drugs, such as:
- ointments with a special composition.
- a cream with a lighter texture than an ointment, meaning with a deeper penetration angle inside
- aerosols, the smallest particles of which penetrate the most difficult access points.
And although almost all pharmacological preparations intended for the removal of pathogens are sold in the network of retail pharmacies without a special prescription, however, consultation with an experienced specialist will not only be unnecessary, but, on the contrary, will contribute to the complex effect onthis disease.
The most common reasons why treatment does not work are, first of all, a disturbed treatment regimen and irregular use of money.
There are also the following reasons:
- Many patients do not understand the severity of the disease and do not accept the proposed treatment.
- about a third of patients do not go to specialists at all and sometimes use self-medication, which, for obvious reasons, does not bring relief.
- many patients do not believe that it is necessary to accurately diagnose a type of pathogen.
- Many, once the first positive results are achieved, stop the treatment on their own.
How to treat foot fungus with folk remedies
You can also cure foot fungus with folk remedies at home.
There is a good tool, you can do it yourself.
Ointment that well destroys foot fungus:
- vinegar substance - 110 grams.
- a raw egg
- butter - 200 grams (it is better to take a natural farmer)
Rub with absorbents from the kitchen shelf:
- soda;
- drunk coffee
- ground oats;
- rice flour.
Such ingredients, introduced into the foam, can be excellent helpers in rubbing the skin of the feet. They are ideal for exfoliating skin particles and freeing those areas that need to be treated of excess layers.
It is compressed with anesthetic solution.
A gauze compress is soaked in an anesthetic solution and applied to the foot at night. In the morning, the bandage is removed and the affected areas are treated with a decoction of chamomile. Repeat for 7 days.
If you study the subject well, then the disease of the feet can be treated with folk remedies and the skin fungus on the feet will pass without a trace, without the possibility of recurrence.

Consequences of advanced fungal infection of the skin of the feet
The treatment of fungus on the skin of the feet must be complete and timely, otherwise the following complications may occur:
- the parasitic elements themselves, as well as the products that remain after their vital activity, increase the risk of allergies in patients;
- The course of dermatitis can be complicated by the appearance of eczema and psoriasis.
- After the skin is severely injured, the infection penetrates unhindered into the lower layers of the skin and causes the onset of lymphostasis.
With the athlete's foot, warts appear much more often and hyperkeratosis can form.
Precautionary measures
Foot fungus, or rather its appearance, can be prevented.
First, it is possible to use ointments and folk remedies as additional protection and then the treatment of the fungus, even if it occurs, will be carried out according to a simplified scheme.
And it is also necessary to perform the following steps:
- eat according to the specifications of a healthy lifestyle.
- follow the hygiene procedures.
- Strengthen the body's immune system.
- apply precautionary precautions.